Hello all,
Once again i am sitting in my prison and listening to the lovely Regina Spektor - hotel song- great song can't stop listening to it, although i have put a ban on how much i can listen to it so i don't get bored or fed up of it, don't like it when songs lose their greatness due to being over played.
This house is driving me mad, i don't understand why or what it is about the house or flat even. It makes me feel trapped, i can't express myself the way i can when at our old flat in Hillhead street. I can feel all hope, enthusiasm and all creative energy just flowing away and out the window. The only thing getting my though the day is drinking coffee or irn bru, killing flies or ants and sleeping.
I loved my room in Hillhead street the atmosphere was the best i have ever lived in i actually felt at home there like when i walked though the front doors i knew i was were i belonged and i could be me and think freely but thats all changed now. Another weekend approaching that i know will be spent in my room wishing i was with one person while drinking irn bru or coffee looking for some new music to listen to.
I really want to have fun with friends and dance about like a prat but i can't because of exams ¬¬ bloody things hate them!!!
I'm bored and can't be arsed trying to think of other things to write lol