Hello all,
Today is a very good day i now have nothing to do with the shit whole of Annan Academy yay!! *Dances* I move up with my Uncle Graeme and Aunty Moira a week on Saturday which is very exciting and also quite nerve racking. I will miss Richard so much but i think i will get use to it eventually. The next two weeks are going to be quite peace full well should be just got to pack and do some work for the new school which is mainly just reading so nothing strenuous. Mums boyfriends had a bit of a nervous break down so things at home are cheery as always. I'm just greatful for the sun shine the weathers been great for the past week or so without it this place can be unbearable, the people are boring and don't like me and place is grey and depressing. Mind you i think the people are worse in the sun drinking driving around throwing water balloons out their windows to annoy you so much that you take their registration number and take time out of your Sunday to go to the police station where you spend and hour and half giving statements and questioning why you are there in the first place letting these arseholes ruin your sunny Sunday when you always swore you would never let them. That another quick little update hopefully i will be getting a camera soon so you will have the joy of pictures to look at to make this experience all more exciting and fun for yourself but then again it might just make it more pointless and irritate you even more, than making your way though my spelling mistake and bad grammar lol speak again soon *Hez*