Today was an awesome day, Went to see twilight which is a very good movie. I'm going to read the books now, feel bad that i didn't before but i was busy, i know no excuse but hey you try being me not easy! Anyway spent time with Charlotte and Lucy who i don't know very well and my opinion of her is unclear. Charlotte also got to meet my mum, i really miss her but I'm glad two of the most important people in my life got to meet.
There is a lot of tension now at times when we got out as a group, Charlotte, Lara and Miriam are always there and the two German girls don't get on very well and when Charlotte and Miriam didn't get on. I like having friends to go out with, without them think i would go mad! Life here is so difficult sometimes and not because of the Adults or how difficult it is to know if your happy or sad but just how many things there are going on around, that not everyone else can see but here I feel to free and creative and strong at times and yet i can also feel so trapped and suffocated at the same point.
I know I'm going to uni next year and studying history, well that's the plan and been secured but what do i want to do as a career when I'm older whats my plans yeah to travel and experience everything i can, i have so many dreams will i have the guts to carry out any of them?
I shouldn't be worrying about this now but i am!
Its not good or healthy i know.
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