This is how things are at the moment. I'm 18 years old (young some would say) this Saturday, currently unemployed, i can't drive yet, I have savings although they are beginning to run low, everyone i know either has a career, in college or university and I'm writing in a blog i suspect wont actually get me anywhere or serve any use full purpose in my life, yet i continue to have this unquestionable dedication to it. I spend most days, such as today, getting up at nine, having a shower, about 4 cups of coffee, and cigarettes before i venture out into what is the high street to carry out pointless and time consuming earns. Then returning home and finding anything to pass the time. I'm doing everything i can to find a job.
Things seem to be getting better, but not going anywhere, or maybe they are, its just all taking place so slowly i can't actually see it. I think once this week is over things will change, funny the different a week, and age can make, opens up so many doors i don't have the key to at the moment. Some would say i should appreciate the time i have on my hands at the moment, i believe I'm doing my best to do that, by doing all the small things i wouldn't normally have time to if i did have a job or something to occupy my time.
I said earlier i would update the blog on some of my dairy entrees but to be honest there really isn't anything in there worth mentioning at the moment apart from what's above.
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