Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ramble On

Hello all,

Whats going on with me at the moment well lets see...

Got the internet back today after 6 or 7 months without it and it feels sooo good to have it back. lol sad really.
Although in these past few months i have learned alot about myself and i have also been able to appreciate things more like long walks, books, music, friends, family, writing, drawing and basically the power of my imagination lol.

I have grown up allot as well but still not managed to get rid of my addiction to Irn Bru. I've started eating better and found a healthy hobby, Swimming which i much fun!

I have made myself a promise to not stop appreciating these things and taking them for granted as much now that the Internets back on.

Prelims are over and i have failed most which is shit but what can you do i tried hard and considering I'm drugged up most of the times due to the heavy pain killers for my hip which make you moody, depressed, tired and constipated LOVELY!! lol NOT!

I hope that with the Internet back i can get back in touch with all the people i lost contact with mainly friends from Glasgow who i miss lots, I'm already talking with Else again which I'm really pleased with because i really started to miss her lol.

Anyway best go update later xx