Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"You know this place makes me laugh, everywhere that bloody burns has shat or shagged they have put up a F**king plack"

So as you may of been able to tell the recent standard of writing has deteriorated every so slightly. I should probably apologise for this but i can't help but feel its only myself i have let down or maybe even myself who has noticed. Recently i have received compliments about my blog which created pressure to write brilliant fantastic posts that just get better and better. I think i created this pressure for myself wanting to keep the blog as well liked and popular as i could. Obviously this backfire and ended in me wanting to write something and having nothing to put so instead vomiting out nonsenses crap. I think.

The title is a quote from my hilarious Auntie Paula, I can guarantee that every time she comes round to visit (and on the rare occasion when i am actually aloud to sit and join her and mothers conversation, from which i am often shooed from in case i repeat what they say, ¬¬). You will always end up in tears of laughter or i will anyway, just the way she tells story's and their facial expression are bloody hilarious! The stories as well. Today i was with mum, waiting for the train which was delayed. We were going through stories while sitting like peace protesters on the floor (which the train instructor so kindly complimented on.) and listening to the most retarded sounding cockerel i have ever heard in the background, squawking away like it was giving birth or something horrid like that. Anyway, the stories were just so funny, my lungs are only just recovering i was crying of laughter so much i could barely stand.

It was a good weekend seeing the parents. Both out their nutter. It was a very usual sensation, lying in bed listening to mum and dad talk down stairs watching TV and moving around the house as they used to do, together. I hate the idea of them getting back together, but it wasn't like that, we weren't all playing happy families "oh things just the way they used to be". Pugh! I feel sick again. No it was different it felt.... secure, safe and right! What a strange combination, Katrina was finaly put in her place and a weight off our shoulders with Dad around to deal with her pathetic antics. Mum was mum again calm, laid back, floating along through her thoughts happy with being able to share the burden and Dad well, he was just enthused to be among it all, humans. wow! Out for a while escaping from his secluded little flat, of which i love the view. I do miss him and loath the idea of him being alone. I have the image of him sitting reading in a arm chair placed in the middle of the room, under a faint and pathetic light trying to read and work out the next mystery novel, probably knowing the end before hes turned the first page. He was my Dad again for the first time in years. I watched him talk and introduce us slowly to his new life he had built up and was still putting the pieces of together, and i was trying to work out what had changed. It wasn't because he wasn't around certain people or in certain situations, no, well maybe him being on his own helped, just to see the true him and not him acting or hiding behind the personality he had built up with them. But it actually took me a while to realize what it was that changed. It shocked me how long it took for it to click in my head and see the difference and why it felt familiar and so warm. He hadn't been drinking any alcohol in ages! He was sober normal Douglas. How bazaar, but wonderful! If destroying all the alcohol in the world meant having my Dad like that all the time, i wouldn't spot until every drop was destroyed and forgotten about. In felt connected to him again, i felt like his daughter for once, i loved it, was like a drug i just wanted more and more of this feeling.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Am i ready?

So here it goes. Once again i find my self writing a post, of which has no reason, or purpose to be created. Just made up of the thoughts in my head as they float on through. I get to see my mum on Thursday, a day and half left until i can finally relax.

I want to write
I want to play piano,
I want to scream
I want to kiss
I want to cry
I want to be held
I want to draw
I want to talk
I want to sit in a calm warm evening
I don't want to be alone
I want it to be good
I want tomorrow to be great
I want to forget
I want the strength
I want to run
I want to smile and mean it again
I want irn bru
I want to be free
I want school to be over

I miss charlotte, I'm excited about school ending soon, I'm looking forward to seeing my mum

I have a plan.

Why do i do this to myself?

Tomorrow the adventure begins. I hope it will be good, create something positive of this holiday. Today can be described as numbing. Tired sore head due to me doing nothing!
It is time's like these my imagination runs and dreams of a certain someone or something i sholdn't be dreaming about. Looking at the clock hoping for dinner to come and the time for a natural turn off and to relax but every time i look at the clock, it mocks me. Almost as if its stopped and gone backwards. To tease me and not allow me the pleasure of waking up tomorrow and knowing i will get to see my mum.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

ok, so i think I might be ready to write again... I dunno. Maybe not.

Monday, April 06, 2009

I created the sound of madness wrote the book on pain

My middle name is now stupid!
Argh Life!
thing go great floating along nicely and i decide to put a sick in front of myself to fall over it, and into a field of rakes lying down that i have placed out, just so i can experience the pain of trying to get out the field while standing on every ,single! rake slapping me in the face every step i take.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

the waiting is the hardest part

I wrote this while sitting out in the Garden this afternoon. Little snippet from my Diary.

"For the first time in a long time i am at peace.

The sun is shinning, i can feel the warmth on my bare legs. Not to strong, just enough to let me know it there and going to be around for a while. Like a soft firm hand, lightly stroking me leg to let me know its there for me, a comfort. The soft breeze creating slight movement with my hair and the page i write on. As if it represents the feeling of excitement and life that lingers in the air at this moment.

No heavy thoughts on my mind, just excitement and passion running through my veins. Love and appreciate everything. I have brilliant sandwich and can of irn bru waiting for me in the fridge. Two perfect books waiting for my fingers to gaze and turn the pages. Tracey Chapman singing in my ear and time moving along slowly, feels like this lovely day wont ever come to an end. I have worked hard the last two months, stood strong and made life what i want it to be. Today is just made more wonderful by that. This moment is perfect.

I long for someone to share it with but to be honest, I'm so happy and every things to right at the moment another human to share it with might damage the day's beauty. The fact that they don't feel as i do or even worse don't appreciate it like i do, for me would dampen the day and bring a sadness into it that I'm tired of experiencing. I know of few who could make this great, one of them is dead and the other isn't open enough or anywhere near free enough to experience the full power of this day. I'm not sure if i am quite experiencing the full potential this day has to be great but what I've got at the moment is fantastic.

I'm not breaking down and I'm not falling apart. I'm strong, I've been rejected, I'm an open book to that days that aren't here with me yet. I'me alive and i have plenty to give and much to share. This world owes me nothing. I no longer feel angry. At this moment in life everything i have is right in front of me. I'm not in love although i am loved. This is a taste of life and for the first time since my last first kiss i feel alive.